Real, positive change begins with each one of us making the decision to act, and one transformative way to take action is to give charitably. For 24 hours, we have the opportunity to give where we live and see amplified results in our own community. Give to the Max Day takes place Thursday, November 18. The event allows Minnesota non-profits to make donations go even farther by matching more than $3 million in fundraised gifts.


Not only can giving create a better world around us and for those who receive, it also has benefits for the giver. Studies show rather than material wealth, it’s actually giving that is strongly associated with well-being. Further, in this study, using medical imaging, researchers found a connection in the brain between generosity and happiness. Results concluded individuals who made more generous choices in an independent decision-making task showed stronger increases in self-reported happiness compared with those in a control group. Numerous studies, including this one, have also shown the link between giving and a sense of personal satisfaction.


At Mindsailing, we believe strongly in investing in community-based organizations in our area, and this year, we’re supporting the following non-profits.


Assisting agriculture:

·      Second Harvest Heartland, a local food bank that works to source fresh and healthy food.

·      Urban Roots, an organization that empowers youth through nature, healthy food and community.


Caring for health:

·      Face to Face, which supports youth with mental health care, homelessness resources and medical care.

·      Reclaim, which helps queer and trans youth gain access to mental health support.


Building community:

·      Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging, serving 27 counties in southwest Minnesota and is the gateway to resources for older adults, caregivers and service providers.

·      Pillsbury United, offering programs, neighborhood centers and social enterprises to help individuals and families to own their future.


Empowering empathy:

·      Penumbra Theatre Company, a performing-arts theater focusing on African-American plays, plus race workshops.

·      Paws for Learning, which provides K9 assisted academic support teams in schools, colleges and communities in the wake of tragic loss.


Investing in your community means investing in you and your company’s own future.

Last year, Give to the Max raised $30.4 million for 6,114 organizations. And in recent years, many non-profits are in need of additional funding after being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

By donating locally, and getting your company involved in raising funds for area causes, you can directly be the change for good; the kind that is happening across our country every year, one community at a time, thanks to Give to the Max.