We are celebrating the clients, teams, partners and collaborators who have worked tirelessly over the past year to make our world a better place. In a year filled with challenges and changes, we are inspired by how they have innovated and transformed in the face of unexpected disruption.

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To thank these changemakers for all that they do, we have launched the Energy Forward Campaign, which encourages setting aside intentional moments to recalibrate before accelerating toward the next big idea. When we make time for these restorative moments, it is easier to overcome barriers, reengage in our work and throw our energy forward into positive transformation.


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The Energy Forward campaign includes a commitment to organizations who work tirelessly to empower communities and create positive futures for us all. These organizations embody what it means to protect our shared natural resources, foster the development of growth mindsets, create equitable access for all communities and develop cross-sector collaboration.


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We are inspired by how far our clients have come in the past year. And we are fortunate to work with strong collaborators across community, energy, agriculture, community and health who are bringing positive change to the spaces where we live and work.


Regardless of industry, rest and reflection are essential to reengaging and moving forward with purpose. As we venture further into 2021, we encourage changemakers to go forward with hope and strength. We can’t wait to see what this new year will bring.