COVID-19 transformed our world overnight. Many communities feel fractured by the daunting challenges it has introduced, leaving communicators with the important job of keeping us all connected. Because we have been forced to undergo such quick, drastic change, the communicators people will look to during this time are the ones who can anticipate needs and lean into our new way of existence.

 Start by listening

The most important step communicators can take during this time is identifying how COVID-19 has shaped their audience’s new reality. Understanding the context and implications of this change will be critical to any relevant communications plan. Building or enhancing your personae is a good first step. Audiences’ values are shifting, as are content platforms and buying behavior. You may suddenly see interest originating from a region outside of your normal market, or find opportunities in a community that previously didn’t fit within your target audience. Recognize the value your brand can bring to these audiences by first understanding the emerging gaps in their needs — then working like crazy to meet them.

 Commit to being human-centered

The world is in a state of grief as routines and lifestyles continue to be turned upside down. While everyone is experiencing similar change, each person has been impacted in different ways. Identifying your audience’s immediate needs, and predicting needs that may emerge in the months to come, requires a willingness to listen, express empathy and be curious. It also requires patience as new developments come to light that will undoubtedly re- shape your big ideas. Even your best content can’t truly serve its purpose if you do not first understand the needs you are trying to meet. Listening to your audience’s concerns can only help you discover new ways to offer up your brand.

Make content that helps others transform

As the world adapts to a new normal, many are beginning to wonder about the future. Now is the time for brands to bring innovation to the table and lead forward-facing transformation. Hosting webinars, publishing how-to guides and releasing other guided content that shares not just how a brand is sustaining itself through this time of transition, but is changing to meet new demands, will help guide consumers and the industry into positive change. By identifying and sharing solutions to modern problems, you can inspire and build confidence in your brand and shape your audience’s outlook for the future.

Related Content: Discover how to connect with individuals facing disruption.

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 Go visual ­— recognizing that visuals have changed

COVID-19 changed everything from the way people use technology to how they shop for goods and services. As a result, an image, message or product your audience once identified with may no longer match their reality. Visual storytelling can help consumers connect with a changed world. For example, the Washington Post recently created a stimulating animation to explain the spread of COVID-19. Animated visual and infographics used in this way can give life to a message that may otherwise be stuck in an echo chamber — your audience may be hearing a message, but they may not fully understand how to take action.

As you consider how your brand can meet emerging market needs, start by identifying the problems you know you can solve. Then push to find new ways to show your audience the solutions you can offer, whether it’s through imagery, animations, or another medium that stretches traditional messaging.  

Related Content: Learn how impactful, high-quality infographics can transform your messaging.

Embrace authenticity and realism

Realities are changing daily, leading people to favor authenticity over financial and material benefits. Compassion can go a long way for an audience being forced to transition into new work, home and community dynamics. Great communicators find themselves on the front lines of this type of change, crafting messages that people can trust and follow. Rather than waiting for the market to guide their narrative, these brands pave the path that others will follow. They succeed because they value honesty, making sure to never overdeliver on what their brand can do or sacrificing their reputation for a quick benefit.

Changing communications now and in the future

As brands craft new messages for a COVID-19 world, there is great benefit in thinking less about what communication strategies have worked in the past, and instead focusing more on what their brand can do to ease audiences through change. This might be as simple as re-shaping current content. Other times, brands may find that hitting the drawing board will bring more success in the future. For while the pandemic may directly affect many areas of our lives today, our world will never again exist as it did before COVID-19. Adapting communications will not just benefit your brand in the short-term, but will bring you one step closer to the messaging your audience will expect moving forward.      

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